Former Animator Creates Delightfully Charming Tiny Tattoos

Ahmet Cambaz is an artist from Istanbul who makes tiny tattoos that are both beautifully made and adorably cute. As a former cartoonist, Cambaz gets ideas from illustrations and uses the art skills he learned while drawing for each piece of body art.

Each tiny tattoo is made up of thin lines and few colors, making them a simple way to decorate the body. His cute art has a lot of different themes, but the ones that come up most often are cute animals like puppies, birds, and cats. Along with these cute animals, his amazing collection, which he shares on Instagram, has a lot of stylized, cartoon-like people and scenes from nature that he gets ideas from.

After his job as a cartoon artist, Cambaz tried his hand at body art when he was 29 years old. In the beginning, he tried changing his look by trying out different ways to get tattoos. However, he quickly saw that these changes were not needed. “When I first started designing tattoos, I tried to work in different styles and ways, but I didn’t feel comfortable because I wasn’t that person.” He tells Creators, “It wasn’t me.” “That’s why I chose to keep improving my work and make tattoos that I like.” Because of this understanding, Cambaz keeps making art that shows how simple art can be beautiful.

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz


Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz


Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz


Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz


Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz


Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz