How to wear dark clothes without looking ‘difficult’ on a rainy day

The presence of humidity on stormy days is an issue that fashionistas find to be inconvenient. No matter how muggy it is outside, if you follow the advice in the following paragraphs regarding how to dress appropriately, you will undoubtedly exude an air of radiance.

Flooding, rains, and other wet weather are “specialties” of the stormy season. This weather has a little but noticeable impact on how we choose to dress. On the other hand, you can’t disregard your prearranged coffee dates, days in the workplace, etc… As a result, many wоmen are concerned about how they can present themselves attractively despite the weather.

Wearing garments with a lot of contrast or bright colors is not a good idea in these weather. Darker clothing, on the other hand, will be preferable because it lessens the sight of stains, which in turn creates the impression of messiness and laziness. The only catch is that dark clothing has a tendency to make a person look older than they really are, so if you’re a lady who wants to wear dark clothing and yet feel cool and young, you should immediately pin the advice that follow.


Combine light-colored pants and shoes with dark-colored pants.

Shirts are more likely to become Ԁirty than pants and shoes since shirts don’t come into direct touch with the ground like pants and shoes do. As a result, you have complete freedom in selecting shirts of vivid hues to serve as the focal point of your ensemble. You won’t have to worry about coming across as “dull” at that time, even if you wear dark pants or shoes. On the other hand, the appearance will be “lit up” to become brighter and more radiant when it is cloudy and rainy outside.



Put on a little dress in a dark color.

Short skirts, particularly those with a length that falls above the knee, enable wоmen to effectively “hаck their figure” while also making them appear as youthful as schoolgirls. This is especially true of designs that have a length that falls above the knee. You don’t need to be concerned about seeming a few years older, even if you opt to put on a dark minidress, because it will not make you look that way. When it’s raining outside, this option is even more convenient because you won’t have to worry about your clothes getting soiled, which would otherwise make your overall presentation appear less put together.




Combine a dark shirt with a pair of black pants to complete the look.

If you want to wear a dark shirt, you should combine it with black jeans because this item also delivers a relatively decent “age hаck” effect. If you want to wear a dark shirt, you should combine it with black jeans. You should wear brightly colored accessories to complement your outfit if you want to give the impression that you are young and vibrant. You can draw attention to your ensemble with something as easy as a brightly colored handbag, jewelry, or pair of sandals.





You not only need to coordinate the colors of your clothing to be delicate, but you also need to choose the appropriate fabric because this has a significant impact on how the outfit looks as a whole. If you want to appear younger, you should choose clothes made of soft fibers like cotton, silk, or chiffon…

It is best to steer clear of buying garments that are too constricting for you because doing so will make you appear older than you actually are. Instead, you should pick out garments that are tailored to your body type. If you follow the advice given above, you should be able to dress nicely in dark hues without being “difficult,” which is appropriate for days when the weather is rainy.