Georgina Rodríguez received negative feedback after sharing pictures of her son

It’s no secret that Georgina Rodriguez has faced a great deal of criticism for displaying her extravagant wardrobe in inappropriate settings and appearing to have forsaken humility in her pursuit of flaunting her happy life with Cristiano Ronaldo.

But this time, rather than because of her, Georgina found herself at the center of attention when she posted a touching picture of her son Mateo kissing his sister Esmeralda. However, she was unprepared for the outcry from his supporters, who took issue with what he had done to the young child.

Many readers expressed outrage over the model’s son’s photo when they noticed that the youngster had an earring in his right ear. Mateo’s admirers believe that his diamond, like his father, is unsuitable for a young youngster who is just beginning out in life.

They forbid them from acting like kids. Children don’t yet know if they wish to wear earrings or not at that age. It’s important to show off your luck by placing a ring on a youngster, “Oh God, everything has its time,” and “He’s only 5 years old” are some of the comments made by netizens who expressed how uncomfortable they were viewing this event. The pricey pearl in his ear belongs to Georgina and Cristiano’s son.

It is important to note that Georgina has received a lot of flak for flaunting her money. She was recently chastised for flaunting her expensive jewelry at her partner’s party, in contrast to Antonella, who we usually perceive as being approachable and genuine when someone asks to take a picture or ask for a favor. an autograph.